So, coming up this fall, my son and I officially start homeschooling. There are various reasons why we decided to homeschool, one of which is that we can go on field trips any time we want as many times as we want! I love field tripping! I am a little nervous about starting school, but I am also very excited.
Over the past year I have been gathering some great resources to help me as a homeschooling mom. One of them is the idea of notebooking. A friend of mine directed me to (who are having a free give-away right now, by the way!) I had no idea what notebooking was, and you don't even have to homeschool to use this cool resource! Notebooking is a way of reinforcing something your child has learned by having them create a page or pages recording their thoughts about a place they've been, things they've learned, or people they've studied by writing, drawing, pasting pictures, etc. about their experience. It's a method that works for all ages, and as time passes, they are creating a journal of their own memorable experiences - from their own unique perspective.
I'm really excited for us to get started!
Funny, I had no clue there was a movement or name, but that's how we do our summer school with the kids. (I can only handle homeschooling for the three months of summer, then I gladly hand them off to the public school system.) My kids love their little notebooks and they are honestly such treasures! We had to search, but I got them each a Mead Primary Journal, so they have the traditional kindergarten ruled lines on the bottom, and empty space on the top so the kids could illustrate what they learned. Love them! Here's the amazon link, although they occasionally have them at Walmart and Target: