Thursday, January 20, 2011

365 Days of Local

I found this interesting article through that showcases a family in Arizona that has made the commitment to only buy locally for an entire year . (I think they're mainly focusing on local businesses.) Their local commitment not only includes food, but everything they consume including office supplies and even gasoline. The experiment started January 1, 2011 and you can follow the family's progress and challenges in their blog One Local Family. I'm interested to see how they do and to maybe find some ways that I can cut back and consume more locally myself.

Right now I'm missing our cheese factory that made cheese from local cows' milk back in Cache Valley, Utah! It was our family's favorite field trip. I think I'm going to have to do more research on local sources for things. I just e-mailed an inquiry about joining a buying coop from a local grass-fed meat and dairy farm in nearby Pennsylvania. I'm excited about that!

1 comment:

Beanie's Mama said...

Where is this meat/ dairy place in PA? I'm seriously interested (missing the local butcher and the knowledge that what we ate used to be roaming the green fields near our house).

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