Friday, September 14, 2012

Seven Day Challenge - Day 3

I was afraid it would be a no electricity day, but I am so glad it wasn't. After yesterday's stress of having no running water, I needed a break. Having a medical/health challenge today was a relief! I actually feel pretty good about this one!

Seven Day Challenge – Day 3 (Friday)
Health Benefits
Medical Issues and Concerns

Health care costs in your country have gone through the roof. Battles are waging between government, doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies. All doctors have gone on strike leaving a gaping hole in available medical care in your community. Today will focus on what you will need to do to prepare your family for all kinds of medical emergencies, including getting yourselves healthier to avoid dependence on medications (if at all possible) and/or medical interventions.
Goal: Get your family’s medical history & supplies in order and get healthy!

Today’s Tasks:
  • Prepare a family medical plan to include in your Emergency Binder (see this sample medical plan a reader sent to us. You can be this thorough or just jot down some simple info for your family.)
  • Do an inventory of your home medical supplies. Add items to your daily report card that you need to purchase. (There is an awesome comprehensive list of suggestions found on this post Modern Survival Blog)
  • Print out instructions for basic first aid procedures (there are some helpful guides found at this link)
  • Review our notes from the CPR/First Aid class we attended at our church, then look up when there is a formal class in your area and SIGN UP for it
  • Research any specific medicines you are taking, find out how you can stock pile some, make a plan for how to keep them refrigerated if necessary, etc. (Also consider if making lifestyle changes could help reduce your dependency on them)
  • Since living a healthy lifestyle is so important for disease prevention, cook healthy meals AND do a physical activity as a family (if applicable) today

Successes -
1. I have been slowly building up a supply of essential oils and learning how to use them for various health concerns. It's something that takes time and practice and isn't something that can be absorbed at the time of emergency. The great things about essential oils is that if you keep them in a cool, dark place they don't expire like OTC/prescription medicines. Also, I am able to replace everything in our medicine cabinet with something that actually works. (I have wasted a lot of money on medicines that don't work for me like cold medicine!) Also, a few months ago I restocked our band-aid and 1st aid supplies. In addition, we have a 1st aid kit upstairs, in the kitchen, and in the car! And I've used them all at some point.

2. Awhile ago I purchased a home medical guide book and two pocket-sized 1st aid guides. I also have a reference book for using essential oils medicinally. 

3. In Excel, I created a basic medical record with each family member listed with their blood type, past and present health conditions, medications being taken, major surgeries, major dental work, and a list of known vaccines received.

4. I just got my prescription filled for 3 months. I feel very fortunate that my medication is very common, inexpensive and it's not a problem to get 90 days worth.

5. I have our home address, emergency phone numbers, mine and my husband's cell numbers and our house phone printed off, laminated and put in a prominent place so my son can see it. Next to our phone numbers we have our photo so he doesn't have to worry about having to read our names.

6. We got outside as a family and did some yard work clearing out a part of our woods. Hooray!

Failures -
1. Exercise in general. It's the bane of my existence! I need to find some ways of incorporating some fun, easy exercise for me and my kids. If I can disguise it as dancing or yard work or hiking or biking, then I'm good! It's just an effort to do those things. *sigh*

Need to Buy: Multi-vitamins and calcium supplements for us and the kids. Small bottles for essential oils for 1st aid purposes in car and in the kitchen.

Need to Do: Become familiar with my medical guides so I know where to look. Double-check 1st aid kit in the car to see if it needs any refills. (We've actually used some band-aids from there!) Sign 

Need to Learn: Review CPR & 1st aid techniques and teach some basic skills to my 5-year old. (stop, drop & roll, what to do for basic cuts and scrapes, bruises, and other common owies, review 911 and phone numbers.) Find ways of incorporating exercise into our daily life.

Other Notes:
Following the links they gave above, I found this online free pdf of a CPR/1st Aid Guide and FSME's blog post about CPR & 1st Aid Tips.
Also, over at Food Storage Made Easy they have a great post about Your Natural Long-Term Storage Medicine Cabinet. There's some great info there!

Somethings that's dawning on me - Never put off what you can do today. 

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